Shopify Discounter Web Component
Add Shopify discounter web component in any page in your store!!!
Shopify discounter web component supports:
- Discount codes
- Automatic discounts
- Gift cards
- Discount combinations
- Multi currencies
- Internalization
- Style customization using css variables
- Place it anywhere in your store
See Demo bellow in Testing section.
Getting started
Download Shopify discounter script discounter.bundled.js.
Add the script to you Shopify assets folder, then add either code snippets below where you want the discounter to render in your store.
Minimal setup
<script src="{{ 'discounter.bundled.js' | asset_url }}" type="module"></script>
<discounter-form empty-msg></discounter-form>
Full setup
<script src="{{ 'discounter.bundled.js' | asset_url }}" type="module"></script>
// Theming customization using css variables
discounter-form {
--discounter-button-bg-color: black;
--discounter-button-color: white;
--discounter-tooltip-bg: purple;
--discounter-tooltip-color: yellow;
--discounter-code-bg: #ffc107;
--discounter-code-color: navy;
--discounter-form-gap: 0;
--discounter-input-border-radius: 100px 0 0 100px;
--discounter-button-border-radius: 0 100px 100px 0;
--discounter-code-border-radius: 100px;
--discounter-tooltip-border-radius: 100px;
discounter-summary {
--discounter-loading-bg: gray;
// Internalization: provide you own copy for the component
<script type="text/javascript">
window.discounter_i18n = {};
window.discounter_i18n = {
tooltip: {{ 'discounter_i18n.tooltip' | t | json }},
empty_msg: {{ 'discounter_i18n.empty_msg' | t | json }},
placeholder: {{ 'discounter_i18n.placeholder' | t | json }},
apply: {{ 'discounter_i18n.apply' | t | json }},
error_msg: {{ 'discounter_i18n.error_msg' | t | json }},
free_shipping: {{ 'discounter_i18n.free_shipping' | t | json }},
discount: {{ '' | t | json }},
gift_card: {{ 'discounter_i18n.gift_card' | t | json }},
summary: {{ 'discounter_i18n.summary' | t | json }},
description: {{ 'discounter_i18n.description' | t | json }},
price: {{ 'discounter_i18n.price' | t | json }},
subtotal: {{ 'discounter_i18n.subtotal' | t | json }},
total: {{ '' | t | json }}
<discounter-form empty-msg></discounter-form>
Component attributes:
discounter-form component supports just one attribute (now), it is a boolean attribute empty-msg, when your cart is empty it either shows a cart empty message if attribute is there, if not it renders a disabled form.
Component Events:
Most stores update their cart dynamically without page reload. In this case you can dispatch 'cart-updated' event so discounter component knows that it needs to update its state too.
// Dispatch 'cart-updated' event after cart updated successfully.
// Cart updated successfully
// ...
const event = new CustomEvent('cart-updated');
Add this product to cart, you'll be redirected to cart page.
In cart page there is a list of discount codes / gift cards to test with ;)
To test automatic discount, make your cart total over 1500$ and a discount will apply automatically, if there is no discounts already applied.
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If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact.