Shopify Navigation Tool Demo

Chrome extension to simplify Shopify navigation operations and save time!!!

Heads up! This demo page contains video demo of how each feature, Importing, Exporting and Duplicating a menu work, not just how to buy (User Journey) :)

User Journey:

How to:

Because Shopify navigation can link to store resources, like products, pages, collections... and all these resources ids (unique identifiers) are specific to each store, when importing a navigation from one store to another, the navigation structure is kept the same (nesting, links order) but the resource links (just the resource links) might be substituted by a hash links (empty links), or you can choose to preserve resource links, but you need to edit the imported menu json file first and update links with resourceId to be resource ids from the new store (the store that we want to import navigation to), more info.

Video Demo: Importing Shopify Navigation

To import a Shopify navigation, you go to Navigation page (/admin/menus/)

Shopify menus page image

and open Shopify Navigation Tool (SNT) extension (click on extension icon), then click on Import button, A popup window will open click on Choose file button, this will open file chooser window, choose your json file menu (one that you exported from another store using this SNT extension). Once you choose a file the new menu will be created and you'll redirect to it.

Extension import button highlighted in Shopify menu page


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.